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I was born in Ft. Worth, Texas and lived in Texas for the first 29 years of my life (brief stint in the US Navy required me to reside in Japan for 4 of those years).  The call of the Rocky Mountains got to me, though, and I've been in Colorado since the age of 29.  Where I live in Colorado, however, was inside the former border of the Republic of Texas, so I cling to that a bit.  I love Texas, I love the idea of Texas, and I love almost everything about Texas, the summer heat notwithstanding.

I tell people that if time travel were to actually ever become available, then the first thing I would do is go back to just a few days before the Battle of the Alamo, and (along with a few modern weapons & ammunition) see whether we couldn't turn that thing around.  Whether or not that is true, it is what I will continue to tell people.

One isn't supposed to give himself a nickname, but rather a nickname should be given by others.  I skirted that rule and started calling myself "Papa Lone Star" many years ago.  I don't really look like the Papa Lone Star in our logo, but he is what I imagine the ultimate Texan to look like.  I am Papa Lone Star, but if you are reading this, then so are you.

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